Friday, November 29, 2019

Global Warming Reflection Paper Essay Example

Global Warming Reflection Paper Paper The film is directed by Davis Guggenheim and presented by former United States vice president AAA Gore. The purpose of the film is to educate the earth population about the dangers Of global warming. The damage the people of earth are doing to the climate with regards to over population, plant factory chemicals, gas guzzling trucks, cutting trees, smoke decreasing the ozone layer, and not recycling. AAA Gore provides examples and pictures regarding the effects of global warming on earth. For example, the melting of big chunks of ice, the sea level rises with the melting of the ice, and he earth becoming hotter. Additionally, AAA Gore provides information of the dangers the humans will receive if the climate gets warmer. Furthermore, the film shows helpful steps to take to have a greener earth and slow the global warming. Environmental and social implications regarding climate changes Climate changes are affecting the earth worldwide. According to Arctic Melt Unnerves the Experts article The Arctic ice cap shrank so much this summer that waves briefly lapped along novo long-imagined Arctic shipping routes, the Northwest Passage over Canada and the Northern Sea Route over Russia (NY Times, 2007). Ice glaciers are melting and sea levels are increasing. The climate change has produced many environmental disasters. The over population is sending people farther into the rain forests to build houses. For example, people have invaded the rain forests and are destroying many trees. Additionally, the warmer temperatures are increasing the changes of Tsunamis in Hurricanes in different parts of the world. In addition, many factories are polluting the environment with their deadly gases. The gases are destroying the ozone layer and the sun rays are doing more damage to the humans such as cancer. We will write a custom essay sample on Global Warming Reflection Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Global Warming Reflection Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Global Warming Reflection Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Furthermore, the factory gases, agricultural sprays, smog from cars and many deadly toxic are increase the risks of cancers in humans and damaging the environment. The climate changes are changing the environment and how the people live their social lives. Questions regarding the global warming 1. AAA Gore states that the burning of the rainforests contributes over 30 percent of the carbon dioxide to the Earths atmosphere. What are other implications and consequences inherent in the destruction of the global rainforests? What do you think could be done about this matter? According to the movie, the consequences of destruction of rainforests are that as more trees are felled there will be fewer trees to remove the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The global carbon dioxide level will increase in the greenhouse effect. To avoid damaging rain forests globally, the governments around the world should create laws that can fine people who destroy the forests. 2. Al Gore uses a quote from Winston Churchill to warn about another impending disaster taking place in the 1 asss that is related to current public apathy about global warming. What impending disaster was referred to in the quotation? According to the film, the impending disaster at the time was a WI and the war would bring disaster to the earth world wide. On the other hand if the humans do not take steps to stop the global warming; it will bring disasters to the earth. 3. The Kyoto Accord was not signed by the United States and Australia. Why not? According to Alternate Energy Resources website, Australia and the LISA. Both are major emitters of greenhouse gases, on a per capita basis. The main argument of these countries was that to reduce emissions they would hurt their economies. 4. How Can peer reviewed information about global warming in professional journals and information about global warming in the popular press can be reconciled? The peer reviewed information from journals and from popular press can be reconciled by exchanging info between the two. Additionally, freedom of speech should be another technique that should be used to merge the info. Some of the popular press does not want to publish global warning information because their superiors do not support it. 5. The plight of the polar bear related to global warming is all too evident. What other animals in the Artic Circle and Antarctica are endangered as the ice caps disappear? According to the movie An Inconvenient Truth, seals, penguins, wolves, land birds are endangered species in Arctic Circle and Antarctica. 6. At no time does AAA Gore mention nuclear energy. Why do you think AAA Gore avoids discussing this source of energy? How much energy in the United States is derived from nuclear energy? Find the nation that maximizes the use of nuclear energy? According to Wisped, The United States produces the most nuclear energy, with nuclear power providing 19% of the electricity it consumes, while France produces the highest percentage of its electrical energy from nuclear reactors-?80% as of 2006. 7. AAA Gore mentions Carl Eagan several times. Who was he? According to Wisped, he was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, author, cosmologist, and highly successful popularized of astronomy, astrophysics and other natural sciences. 8. Why does AAA Gore use the term canaries to refer to the Article Circle and Antarctica in the context of global warming? According to Maroon Lewis on the Asss Gore science fiction article There are two places on Earth that serve as canaries in the coal mine-?regions that are especially sensitive to the effects of global warming, I. E. The Arctic and the Antarctic. In the Arctic, Temperatures are shooting upward there faster than at any other place on the planet. 9. What is the difference between the Article Circle and Antarctica? According to David R. Cook, The Antarctic is a continent that just happens to be at the south-pole. There are ice sheets that extend out from the continent, making it appear larger than the actual land area. The Arctic Circle is a bit different because much of that area is not composed of land, but of sea water and thick ice. The Arctic is virtually flat, whereas Antarctica has an unbelievable variety of relief, including some large mountain ranges. Plus, the Arctic and Antarctica result in some different weather at the Non locations. Recommend survival strategies for the here and now, and the future The survival strategies for the here and now should be the same for the future. The number one goal for the humans should be to have a plan to decrease the warming weather; which is to create more green products that humans constantly use. For example, using paper should be limited at offices and schools. Plastic bottles, bags, cans, and any item that needs to be recycled. As stated by the Overpopulation and Climate Change article Approaches to achieving reductions include frugality; greater use of energy- efficient devices; carbon capture and sequestration; emission-neutral means f generation; rainforests protection; a levy on emissions (carbon tax); and the lease or purchase of emission rights by over-emitters from under- emitters (cap-and-tradeY (NY Times, 2010). The government should create a law that demands people to recycle and fine if the people do not. Gas saving cars should be another example of the environment; no more gas guzzling cars. Plus, recycle any old cars that can damage the environment with smog should be dismantle. Additionally, factories that produce harmful gases to the environment such as the carbon dioxide should make a priority to reduce hose gases annually. The United States and Australia should sign the Kyoto Accord and help reduce some of those deadly gases that affect the ozone layer. If every country in the world reduced their gases and people start gong greener; the climate change may take a step backward. The global warming can slow down and the colder weather can help restore the ice glaciers, reduce the sea levels and prevent any future disasters. The change in going greener and reducing the deadly gases and chemical will help the here and now people as well as the future. On the other hand, if the weather gets warmer the climate will cause more disasters and perhaps the future will not have more humans.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Learning Faster

In an article titled "No Books please; we're students, written by John Leo, various explanations are offered by several professors around the country that attempt to explain why college students seem to be more disengaged towards their studies. In the article suggestions range from students not being motivated enough to handle the college work load to the idea that students who are now â€Å"engulfed by an amusement culture† aren’t being entertained enough by their teachers. The article was written nearly eight years ago but the problem being discussed still exists today and there is a considerable amount of different reasons why college students are uninterested in school. Personally I believe that the reason for this seemingly detrimental behavior among today’s college students is a result of the progression of technology in recent years. If I were to compare the internet to what it was eight years ago I’m sure I would see that it has gotten bigger, faster, and if anything else smarter. With this being said students are now capable of obtaining reliable information faster then ever before which may very well equate to time they have to spend studying. I can use the University of Nevada Las Vegas Library as an example. If anyone wanted to do research on a specific topic one could simply go to the library and access a program called info tract which allows a person to gain access to any article relating to a specific subject, any subject. By doing this, people no longer have to spend so much time flipping through pages of books looking for the exact information they need in order to make a valid point. Programs like Info-Tract can absolutely eradicate the once only option of walking down hallways trying to find the book, or magazine of their choice. Maybe students aren’t spending less time doing home work maybe they are obtaining the information faster than others used to. The arrival of new technology has surely transformed ... Free Essays on Learning Faster Free Essays on Learning Faster In an article titled "No Books please; we're students, written by John Leo, various explanations are offered by several professors around the country that attempt to explain why college students seem to be more disengaged towards their studies. In the article suggestions range from students not being motivated enough to handle the college work load to the idea that students who are now â€Å"engulfed by an amusement culture† aren’t being entertained enough by their teachers. The article was written nearly eight years ago but the problem being discussed still exists today and there is a considerable amount of different reasons why college students are uninterested in school. Personally I believe that the reason for this seemingly detrimental behavior among today’s college students is a result of the progression of technology in recent years. If I were to compare the internet to what it was eight years ago I’m sure I would see that it has gotten bigger, faster, and if anything else smarter. With this being said students are now capable of obtaining reliable information faster then ever before which may very well equate to time they have to spend studying. I can use the University of Nevada Las Vegas Library as an example. If anyone wanted to do research on a specific topic one could simply go to the library and access a program called info tract which allows a person to gain access to any article relating to a specific subject, any subject. By doing this, people no longer have to spend so much time flipping through pages of books looking for the exact information they need in order to make a valid point. Programs like Info-Tract can absolutely eradicate the once only option of walking down hallways trying to find the book, or magazine of their choice. Maybe students aren’t spending less time doing home work maybe they are obtaining the information faster than others used to. The arrival of new technology has surely transformed ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT (research Vodafone plc and British Telecom Essay

FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT (research Vodafone plc and British Telecom plc of Telecommunications company in uk) - Essay Example This report identifies the relevant industry-related and economic-related factors which drive today’s strategic decision-making in both companies. Both Vodafone and BT thrive within a very regulated environment. Depending on the nature of the product or services, various regulation exists which dictate pricing limitations and overall service provision. British Telecom recognizes this and routinely expresses the business’ awareness of regulatory issues and how they relate to the long-term stability of the business. The Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone describes regulation as a risk to â€Å"market share, competitive position and future profitability† (Verwaayen, 2007: 27). From a strategic standpoint, regulation is a routine part of business operations, however when various legislation is provided in different, multinational regions the business must consider whether the foreign environment is worth the investment or whether new market opportunities should be researched. Moving either Vodafone or British Telecom presence into different markets which maintain less regulatory activities (such as price controls) w ould allow the company to have autonomy regarding the provision of competitive pricing which best befits the business model and profit expectations. It is clear that both Vodafone and BT must consider regulatory compliance in many varieties of business decision-making. Regulatory activity also comes in the form of litigation, where different foreign taxing powers regularly assess the value of company activities and demand capital gains taxes or other regional taxing expectations. Currently, Vodafone has appealed a case to the Supreme Court in which the business is being requested by the government in Bombay, India to pay approximately  £2 billion in capital gains taxes (Leahy and Betts, 2008). In a situation where both Vodafone and British Telecom have leveraged the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Planet of Mercury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Planet of Mercury - Essay Example Notably, we can establish that unlike other planets, Mercury does not have an atmosphere, seasons, moons, satellites, or rings (â€Å"NASA† 1). As such, it is a very unique planet which is difficult but worth studying. There are only 58 million Kilometers separating the sun from Mercury (â€Å"NASA† 1) thus making the study of Mercury difficult for scholars. Nevertheless, a radar imaging from the Earth in the 1960s helped scientists to study Mercury. As such, scientists confirm that Mercury has a radius of 2,439.7 km, a volume of 60,827,208,742 km3, and a total mass of about 330,104,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg (â€Å"NASA† 1). Furthermore, with a density of 5.4 grams per cubic centimeter, Mercury is very dense compared to other planets in the solar system (â€Å"Space Facts† 1). Although Mercury revolves around the sun at the fastest speed, it seemingly rotates around its axis at a very slow speed where it takes about 1 Mercury day or 59 Earth days to make a complete spin (â€Å"NASA† 1). Indeed, mercury takes about 88 Earth days or 1 Mercury year to revolve around the sun (â€Å"NASA† 1).... More so, the thin exosphere ensures the prevention of wind erosion on the surface of Mercury and that friction does not cause the meteorites to burn (â€Å"National Geographic Society† 1). The composition of the thin exosphere entails different levels of potassium, oxygen, neon, argon, sodium, carbon dioxide, hydrogen (H2), nitrogen, helium (He), and krypton (â€Å"NASA† 1). The core of Mercury has the highest iron content higher iron content the Solar System (â€Å"National Geographic Society† 1) where its metallic core measures about 2200 to 2,400 miles in width, 42% of its volume (â€Å"Space Facts† 1), and about 75 percent of the its diameter. With a magnetic field in the solar wind, Mercury is very active and its charged particles normally stream from the sun and touch the planet’s magnetic field thereby creating a powerful magnetic tornado (â€Å"Science Daily† 1). The magnetic tornado transmits the hot plasma of the solar wind to the s urface of Mercury. Scientists established that the iron core of Mercury cools and contacts to wrinkle the surface of the planet. They further named the wrinkles as Lobate Scarps, which extend to hundreds of miles in length (â€Å"Space Facts† 1). Ideally, there have been various theories explaining how Mercury formed which relate to the physical removal of silicates or the differences in the composition material. One of the theories attributes the formation of Mercury to an impact that shrunk the size and mass of the planet. The shrinking occurred as the planet cooled (â€Å"National Geographic Society† 1) and led to the crumpling and formation of cliffs on the surface of Mercury. Indeed, scientists believe that the planetesimal reduced

Monday, November 18, 2019

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Essay - 11

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness - Essay Example The paper intends to analyse the impact of globalisation and technological changes on Apple Inc. Industrial organization model and resource-based model will be used to determine how Apple Inc. can earn beyond its average returns. In addition, the paper will also assess the vision and mission statement of the company that has influenced its overall success. Moreover, each category of stakeholders will be evaluated in order to analyse its impact on the overall success achieved by Apple. Globalisation has been ever-persisting in the contemporary business scenario which has influenced the business operations of various companies. In this regard, it is considered that globalisation has impacted the products and services produced by Apple Inc. wherein it has been developing products that are quite competitive in the globalised market. Apple has adopted forceful price cutting which has reduced its gross profit margin on each product. Apple has been frequently launching new products in the market with undersized product life cycle along with developing industrial standards. Consequently, it has been revealed that globalisation has helped the company to improve its product characteristics along with making it to adopt new technologies that have resulted in product advancements and price sensitivity in its products (Apple Inc., 2013). Technological changes on the other hand have impacted the overall business operations of Apple due to which it has been developing innovative products in the market. Apple has developed a set of unique designs for its products through effective use of advanced technologies. This uniqueness has been witnessed in terms of software applications, operating systems and other services related to the products. It is worth mentioning that the competitive advantage of Apple Inc. in the global market has been highly impacted as competitors using these

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Iterative And Incremental Development Of Software Models

Iterative And Incremental Development Of Software Models Software process model consists of 2 categories generic and iterative. Generic method consists of 3 main methods which are waterfall, evolutionary and component based software engineering (CBSE). Moreover, iterative consist of 2 main method which are incremental delivery and spiral delivery. Then emphasis of the report will be on Iterative and Incremental method [1] The Iterative and Incremental method, was introduced by Mr. Harlen Mills In 1970s .The method was further extended by Mr. Vic Basili by adding the incremental concept.[2] By definition iterative means develop a system through repeated cycles furthermore incremental means in smaller portions at a time. [3] The fundamental idea of iterative and incremental method is to break the software development process into the several parts over specific length of time. It repeats the process by adding more function to the software until the software is complete for usage. Iterative and Incremental Methodology. Figure 1: Iterative and Incremental development Figure 1 [3] show the process of Iterative and Incremental methodology. Each iterative step consists of requirement, design, repetitive modular implementation, test and integration and final integration system test. After each iteration, more functions will be added and the same iterative cycle is repeated again. The system grows in term of capabilities and complexity. Finally, the finished system integration and testing are performed before it is deployed. The requirement process can be defined as à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“the process of analyzing the constraints under which it operates and is developed. The objectives are to identify the activities and techniques that will be used. During the requirement process, a feasibility study needs to be performed in order to evaluate the pros and cons of the project. It also involves risk assessment of the project. After that, customerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s requirements need to be established via discussions, interview and etc. Next, the specification which contains the functional constraints, non functional constraints, user conditions and system requirement are written out. In addition, the specifications are reviewed so that it will be error free. Lastly, the project management activities are set out to identify, track and control the progress of the project. Figure 2: Iterative development. Figure 2 [2] shows another example of Iterative development. Author perceive the iteration and incremental method in different view. He divides the process into 4 phases which are inception, elaboration, construction, and transition. During the inception phases the project, scope, risk and requirement are identified. Moreover, the working architecture is defined during elaboration phases. From the analysis, design, implementation and testing of the functional requirement, the architecture is being improve incrementally during the construction phases. Lastly, the system is implemented into the production operating environment in transition phase [2] Although both author view the process differently, most the process and method are overlapping similar. The design process can be defined as process for identifying the sub-systems making up a system and the framework for sub-system control and communication [7]. The design processes consist of two models which is structural model and control model. Structure model consist of 3 models such as Repository, Client-server, Layered. While, there are 2 controls model which are centralized and Event-based. Different model need to be used in different applications, specifications and requirements. Therefore, evaluation of design model that will be used need to be done carefully in order to meet customerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s requirement. The implementation, testing and Integration steps are recurring process. The programs that are developing in design process are implemented. However, it needs to be validated using testing. They are 2 type of testing program which is component testing and system testing. Each of the program components is tested in modular separately during component testing. On the other hand, system testing is performed by integrating the multiple components or subsystem into a system. However, system testing will be affected by the request and error mistake in component testing. After integration and incremental processes, all of the components are performing to the specification and error free, thus, can be integrated into a complete system and ready to be delivered to the customers. [9] Advantages and Disadvantages of Iterative Incremental Development Advantages Suitable for a large project but have limited financial resources. It is because, the maintenance will be undertaken to improve the errors are not known at the beginning of the cycle.[6] Repetition of the phases can be built so that the system really meet the needs of users Establish a good relationship between users and developers. project team will always communicate with users to obtain information to meet the needs of users, [5] Reduce the risk of delay due to the important work done first. Produce software that can be easily used by consumers [9] Disadvantage High maintenance costs Difficult, it is because developers have to plan in advance the desired results. In addition, the developer must ensure that the work was completed in time to avoid delays and increased costs Differences between Iterative Incremental and Agile Scope Agile Iterative Incremental Focus focus on the simple process that allows for quick changes during the development cycle focus on a limited project Time 3 to 4 weeks time taken to complete a project based on the requirements and specifications that determined by customer Discussion and Conclusion Methodology a combination of paradigms, methods, policies, procedures, Regulations, standards, techniques, tools, programming language and the other methodology used for analyzing system requirements and design. Iterative and incremental methodology is a process model developed to overcome the Weakness faced by the waterfall methodology. It is divided into several processes that requirement, design, implementation integration test and final. This development process starts with the requirement phase and ends with the planning process. This process is repeated several times to produce products that meet the specifications required by the user. In addition, the model can be used for projects that are changing where it will reduce the risk of error and remove the incorrect input. This process resulted in the additional software that is easy to understand and made modifications.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Physics of Wormholes :: physics science wormhole wormholes

Science fiction will often have fantastic stories about humans traversing stars at great speeds, faster than light. Vast interstellar civilizations are maintained by fleets of starships that fly from world to world in a matter of days or weeks. The truth, sadly, is far less fantastic. The universal speed limit is the speed of light, or approximately 2.998x108 m/sec. Nothing can move faster than that constant. Even at that extreme speed, it would take approximately 4 years for any spaceship to reach the closest of other stars. To make matters even worse, the energy required to accelerate an object increases exponentially as it gets closer and closer to the speed of light to the point where we cannot input enough energy to make the object actually go the speed of light. So how can we have these great galaxy spanning civilizations and expand our frontiers beyond the boundaries of our solar system? One possible solution is wormholes. This web project will attempt to inform on some of the basic theories of wormholes and how they could be used to traverse great distances and possibly even time itself. History Einstein first proposed wormholes in 1935. He co-wrote a paper with Nathan Rosen in which they showed that general relativity allowed for what they called â€Å"bridges.† They theorized that there could be places where space/time is folded that allowed transfer of matter from one point to another in the universe. After this initial burst of ideas in the thirties, wormhole theory was pretty much dropped by the world of physics in general. It wasn’t until the 1980’s when Carl Sagan wished to write his book Contact was wormhole theory revisited. Sagan wanted to have his protagonist leave Earth and arrive at a distant star system in a relatively short amount of time without being completely scientifically invalid. He turned to his fellow physicist Kip Thorne to develop an at least somewhat scientifically appropriate method of faster-than-light space travel. Thorne came up with much of the modern framework for wormhole theory that is in existence today for the book, which is now a major motion picture starring Jodi Foster. Definition A wormhole is a tunnel in space that matter can traverse through. It works in four dimensions with time being the fourth. It connects two points in the universe. A useful analogy for how a wormhole works is a two-dimensional piece of paper with a pair of dots on it.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Clinical Educational Experience Essay

Educating the family and or the community is a role that every nurse must participate in to promote, maintain, and restore health among them. To accomplish such requires family members receive and have a practical understanding of health-related information. One method to accomplish such is to develop a health educational plan. The health education plan based upon information collected from a windshield survey and Friedman family assessment conducted, Areas that will be discussed include, a description of the educational need based upon assessment findings, educational goals and objectives, educational methods that will be used to implement the health educational plan, and the methods applied to evaluate the educator and process used in the development and implementation of the health education plan. I also include the health tools used to educated family, and Identification of a Health Educational Need. MBG elderly Diabetic type I, smoker, strike, demanding, uncaring, undetached from the family. JBG also elderly depressed and heavy drinker, son flat affect with family, dysfunctional family. Cultural, religious, ethnic, and personal upbringings are variables that are considered to gain a basic understanding of the family framework. Being old fashion hard cord Catholic is hard to make them understand that what you preach in the community you have to practice at home. According to NANDA, Nursing diagnosis for this family that I have encounter: 1) Impaired verbal communication as evidence by controlling, undermining from mother and lack of family connectedness. 2) Stress overload evidenced by busy work day, lack of time to relax, and sleep deprivation, and 3) Risk for suicide as evidence by father excessive drinking and mopping around wondering what is the point. Resolutions as follow: 1) Establish common goals, complementary roles, and ongoing  constructive relationships between the health provider and family members, family counseling and individual counseling. 2) Mental health is essential to a person’s well-being, healthy family and interpersonal relationships, and the ability to live a full and productive life. People, stress with untreated mental health disorders are at high risk for many unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, including alcohol or drug abuse, violent or self-destructive behavior, and suicide. Brochure was given to the family, Stress overload and attempted to cover depression and communication into the education knowing that dinking, depressing, and risk of suicide are very touchy subjects. Family was hesitant at the beginning but did pay attention and glanced over brochure gave them names of hospital and web site that they can surge for help. Nurses must be conscious of their responses and actions that may inadvertent ly affect the patient’s response. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring uses a contemporary, holistic framework designed by using multiple disciplines to care for individuals and those within a community. So as a nurse we must be always be considerate about of the family as whole and include the community that will be affected. A learning motivation based upon personal need. The adult’s motivation to learn is derived from the developmental needs of the individual. â€Å"The adult †¦comes into an educational activity largely because he is experiencing some inadequacy in coping with current life problems† (Knowles, 1972, p. 36). References Depression and how to help out. Retrieved from: www. Healthy People (June, 2014) US Department of Health and Human Services retrieved from Knowles, M.S. (1972). Innovations in teaching styles and approaches based upon adult learning. Journal of Education for Social Work, 8, 2, 32-39. Nanda: nursing diagnosis Care Plan/Nursing Diagnosis/ Nursing Diagnoses List 2013 retrieved From Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th Edition: By Betty J. Ackley, MSN, EdS, RN and Gail B. Ladwig, MSN, RN ISBN: 9780323089210, copyright: 2014, Mosby. The Friedman family assessment model form retrieved from: friedman University of Illinois library. Retrieved from:

Friday, November 8, 2019

HIV in South Africa Essays

HIV in South Africa Essays HIV in South Africa Essay HIV in South Africa Essay HIWAIDS In south Africa South Africa has more people with HIWAIDS than any other country in the world. Over 5,700,000 South Africans are living with HIV/AIDS, which is 12% of the population of South Africa (Banerjee 63). The adult population with HIV/AIDS is 18. 1%. South Africa continues to struggle in regards to dealing with this disease. In 2007, only 28% of people with AIDS received anti-retroviral treatment (Central Intelligence Agency 1). This number has improved from 2004 however, when only 4% of people with AIDS received anti-retroviral treatment. AIDS continues to be a huge problem to the South African population. In 2007, around 280,000 South Africans died of AIDS. Thats about half of all South African deaths that year (Mid-year Population Estimates, 1). There is still great mystery as to why South Africa is so affected, especially compared to other African countries that have greater poverty. However, it is known that South Africa has made mistakes in regards to how to prevent the spread of HIV. As clarified through explanations of the prevalence of the disease, what affects economic growth and whats being done to stop the spread, economic development in South Africa is isturbed greatly by the continuous rise in HIV/AIDS. It is estimated that 10. 9% of all South Africans have HIV/AIDS. HIV is most common among female adults under the age of 40. Not much is being done to help limit the spread of HIV. Slightly more than 50% of sexually active South Africans have ever had at least one HIV test (Sub- Saharan Africa). South Africa is struggling with regards as to how they should treat the spread of HIV. What has worked best at limiting the spread of HIV has been the ability for South Africa to help educate people in regards to how to prevent HIV. Knowledge about HIV/AIDS is lowest among people older than 50 years (Banerjee 63). In 2008, more than half of South Africans with HIV reside in the most popular provinces: the KwaZulu-Natal and Gautleng provinces (Sub-Saharan Africa, 1). This just shows that some areas seem to have greater availability of resources, since areas of poverty and education vastly range from different provinces.. Expenses related to HIV/AIDS are equivalent to 4% of all salaries in South Africa. The cost of HIV/AIDS include: costs associated with greater absenteeism, reduced productivity, increased urnover, and healthcare costs (Central Intelligence Agency). To counteract these problems, two main campaigns were enacted: Soul City (a television drama for adults) and Soul Buddyz (a television series for teenagers) (Booysen, 1). While these two campaigns were effective at first, there was unfortunately a decrease in quality on condoms, creating a loss on effectiveness in HIV prevention in the 21st century. It seems as though South Africa has no successful plan in regards to effectively stopping the spread of HIV. In 1983, AIDS was first diagnosed to two patients in South Africa. By 1986, there were 46 AIDS diagnoses. In 1990, 1% of South Africans had AIDS. In 1999 the fgure had reached 10%. Now, its estimated that 6 million people currently have HIV/AIDS in South Africa (Booysen 1). A major reason as to why there was still so much of a continuation of the spread of HIV/AIDS in South Africa came from the fact that there was much AIDS denialism in South Africa. The president improve HIV/AIDS treatment was damaged by the attitude of many figures in the government when the health minister incorrectly claimed that a diet of lemon, garlic, nd olive oil could cure the disease (Booysen 1). There is hope that in the near future, there will be greater availability of resources to prevent HIV/AIDS. South Africa has the potential to turn around the amount of future diagnoses, for they have the industrial power to create affective ways for educating people as to how one becomes HIV+, and what one can do to prevent the disease from spreading. Bibliography Banerjee, AbhiJit V. , and Esther Duflo. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011. Print. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook. OpenGov, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. . Mid- year Population Estimates. Statistics of South Africa. User Information Services, n. d. web. 12 NOV. 2013. . Sub-Saharan Africa: AIDS Epidemic Update Regional Summary. Joint United Programs on AIDS. World Health Organization, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. . Booysen, F. R. Geldenguys,J. P. Marinkov, M. The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the South African Economy: A Review of Current Evidence. Univ ersity of the Free State. Department of Economics, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

American Pie essays

American Pie essays The American Pie trilogy has become a huge success for teens as well as adults. The films all made a huge amount of revenue. Even though the major role of all American Pie films is sexual material, it sort of expands its horizon in the second and third films. Relationships, love and drama start to occur and more serious issues are dealt with and not just sexual material and comedy. Both male and female genders in the films act differently in regards to what our world usually views gender as. American Pie is known as a genre falling under teen comedy with generic teen elements. What I mean by teen generic elements is sexual conflicts, quest for sex, belonging and so on. All of these elements are shown in the films. Individuals tend to understand genre in various ways. An example of what genre is stated by theorist Arthur Berger, a type of text characterized by a particular style. I used to think genre is just basically placing material in classes or categories until I took this class. I learned that there is a lot more to genre than just that. Genre can be looked at in many ways, even classes and categories. Before getting into genre related material, I will briefly explain what American Pie is about. Its about individuals in their late teens dealing with teen issues. Some of these issues are, relationships, friendships, and the sexual material. The pie is resembled as a sexual icon. How pie is considered an icon to sexual pleasure. Its saying that sex is like a warm p ie, thats how it would feel. One of the actors in the film actually gets caught by his father having sex with a pie in the kitchen, which was hilarious. Many film critics relate American Pie to older comedy movies like, Meatballs and Porks. In my opinion, first and third films show genre in different ways not just teen comedy. Altman convincingly argues that the film industry promotes multiple genres around any single mo...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Questionnaire Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questionnaire - Coursework Example The American population, unlike their president, is against the use of violence in resolving the ISIS situation. This standpoint is different to their previous positions on using violence to resolve the Iraqi situations, under the rule of Saddam Hussein. In the historical context, Americans were supportive of the violence during Saddam Hussein’s era (UConn Today, 2011). Since then, the American people have been against the use of violence in Iraq. In support of the public opinion, President Obama has ruled sending combat troops. However, other alternatives such as the use of airstrikes are being considered. According to the hypothesis, Americans who have supported the use of violence in addressing the Iraqi situation, in the past, are likely to support its use in the current situation. The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center are the catalyst in the decision to use violence in resolving Iraqi conflicts (, 2014). Americans, who are pro-violence in the ISIS situation, seek to retaliate against all forms of terrorists. The Republican portion of the American population supports the use of military action against the ISIS establishment. The Independent and Democrats portion, on the other hand, do not favor the use of military action. The Republicans, according to a research conducted by Gallup, are â€Å"worried† about Iraq. The study found out that 52% of Republicans, 39% of Independents and 34% of Democrats are in favor of using military action in Iraq (Gallup 2014). Now the Democrats enjoy a majority in the decision-making in the U.S. For this reason, President Obama is more likely to lean towards not sending combat troops to address the ISIS situation. However, as stated earlier they have opted to use other means in preventing Islamic militants from spreading their influence to other states. The Gallup survey presents a true representation of the attitude of Americans towards foreign intervention;

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Outline Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Outline - Assignment Example Employers  and Agencies can fill open positions in their respective departments. One can also post job openings searching for resumes, which match the desired criteria posted in the audit career center (Institute of Internal Auditors 13). 1. SERVICES A. Quality Assurance Here, there is a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP) which enables evaluation of the internal audit activity's conformance. This program is also responsible for gauging the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audit activity, identifying improvement opportunities. Internal assessments are constant, where there are in-house assessments of the in-house audit  activities together with periodic self-assessments and/or reviews (Institute of Internal Auditors 14). 1. MEMBERSHIP A. Benefits of Membership This section focuses on members where it stipulates that members are entitled to guidance, training, and services free or specially priced. Most of the important prospects accessible to IIA members are: 1. Advocacy Resourceful guidance is accessible to members for the advocacy of their role with the main stakeholders. The IIA maintains international recognition due to their presence in Washington DC in the advocacy of the profession. ... The IIA is the pioneer in imaginative interior review preparing, with the provision of quality involving opportunities for learning which is well facilitated for its members and customers. With IIA, there is an assurance that as a member you have the learning and abilities essential for the procurement of the most abnormal amount of surety, knowledge, and possible objectivity which adds value to your organization. There is a commitment to the deliverance of the very best in internal audit training, satisfying our notoriety as the worldwide guide in inward review instruction, by the procurement of the best quality esteem in the business (Institute of Internal Auditors 16). 1. Top-quality Training Programs and Facilitators Here, the IIA raises the bar on quality by best practices in adult instructional design when building and updating courses. IIA also incorporates  the strategy and theory behind how adults learn working closely with subject matter experts in the development and mai ntenance of courses ensuring that they are aligned with the IIA's International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). Another reason for our superiority and the top quality training programs is IIA’s talent facilitators which facilitate the member to undertake meticulous training and peer review, thus becoming experts at encouraging transfer of knowledge by way of discussions, exercises, and activities (Institute of Internal Auditors 17). 1. CERTIFICATION A. CIA certification The IIA has a very comprehensive certification portfolio serving as the key to unlocking opportunities within the internal audit profession; increasing the level of a member’s credibility while adding clout to the resume. This increases your value to your clients and employer